Verbal Aggressiveness
Scale 67 moderate
Anxiety Inventory 53 moderate
I assessed myself as a communicator I obtained a 67 on the verbal
aggressiveness scale assessment in which I maintain a good balance between
respect and consideration for others’ viewpoints, and the ability to argue
fairly by attacking the facts of a position rather than the person holding that
position. On the communication anxiety inventory assessment I got a 53, in
which it reported that I feel concerned about a number of communication
contexts, but probably not all. This is known has mid-point anxiety is called “situational.”
I finished evaluating myself I had my son and a colleague of mine to evaluate.
On the verbal aggressiveness scale my son scored me at 55 and my colleague
scored me at a 53 which is still in the range that I scored myself. When it
came to the communication anxiety inventory my son scored me at a 35 while my
colleague scored me at a 47, so my son puts me in a different category than
what I put myself in. So my son put in the mild which states that I feel uneasy
in some communication and confident in other situations but to him communication
is something that I worry about.
insight about communication that I gained this week are to be aware about how
we labeled individuals because as negative labels can lead to bias, which are
negative feelings toward another group. The second one is to recognize my own
self-concept and how it may affect my communication. We need to be able to
evaluate ourselves to genuinely understand ourselves and what may impact us. By
us recognizing these two insights they can help us in our professional work and
in our personal life as we encounter new people and gain more opportunities.