Saturday, March 26, 2016

Communications Eval

Verbal Aggressiveness Scale 67 moderate

Communication Anxiety Inventory 53 moderate

When I assessed myself as a communicator I obtained a 67 on the verbal aggressiveness scale assessment in which I maintain a good balance between respect and consideration for others’ viewpoints, and the ability to argue fairly by attacking the facts of a position rather than the person holding that position. On the communication anxiety inventory assessment I got a 53, in which it reported that I feel concerned about a number of communication contexts, but probably not all. This is known has mid-point anxiety is called “situational.”

After I finished evaluating myself I had my son and a colleague of mine to evaluate. On the verbal aggressiveness scale my son scored me at 55 and my colleague scored me at a 53 which is still in the range that I scored myself. When it came to the communication anxiety inventory my son scored me at a 35 while my colleague scored me at a 47, so my son puts me in a different category than what I put myself in. So my son put in the mild which states that I feel uneasy in some communication and confident in other situations but to him communication is something that I worry about.

One insight about communication that I gained this week are to be aware about how we labeled individuals because as negative labels can lead to bias, which are negative feelings toward another group. The second one is to recognize my own self-concept and how it may affect my communication. We need to be able to evaluate ourselves to genuinely understand ourselves and what may impact us. By us recognizing these two insights they can help us in our professional work and in our personal life as we encounter new people and gain more opportunities.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Communicating Differently

When it comes to communicating with different groups and cultures I communicate with them like I do with everyone. I would like to believe that I am a sociable person. When diversity is present I believe you should treat and talk to everyone in the same way. Though when it comes to children I feel you need to get down to their level and talk in a language that is appropriate for their age whatever it may be. One thing is that I believe that we all can still learn more when it comes to ways of communicating with others. I want to talk and treat people the way I would want someone to treat me or my family. When talking to others I want to make sure that any non- verbal gestures are shown in a positive message and most important is to listen than answer.
Some strategies that I learned this week and would use are make sure to keep eye contact and make sure it is positive and friendly. Make sure that I talk slowly and clearly so that they can understand what I am saying and keep it simple. I would want to make sure that I show respect and empathy  for those who do not speak English.


Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Dr. Phil show

The show I picked to watch was one that I always wanted to watch but never have and that was Dr. Phil. When watching it with the sound off I could see many non –verbal communications.  Communication was stern and there was hardly any eye between the guest and Dr. Phil. There were many times that they were looking down at the floor instead of each other. Dr. Phil was sitting on the edge of his seat leaning towards the person that he was speaking to. He seemed to be trying to get the guest to make eye contact with him. One thing I was that Dr. Phil talks with his hands countless times during his show.  Than it seem that the guest started following his lead also and started to make a lot of hand gestures though his seem to be done more intentional as he spoke each word with a hand gesture accompanied with it.

When I turned on the sound for the rest of the show I was surprise at the voice tones made by Dr. Phil and the guest.  They were all defensive and most of the time they wanted to be heard and not listen well to each other.  There facial expressions were stiff and sarcastic at times with words and gestures.
Dr. Phil was trying to take implications from every side then tried to give his best educated guess about what he deduces about the situation. Both parties used non-verbal messages or gestures.
I thought this because there was no doubt when something was said, "smiled, frown, or gestured as you speak or when you use a particular tone or volume while talking"(Giles & LePoire, 2006/ O'Hair, Weimann, Mullin, & Teven, 2015, pp.94).
There were times while being crossed examined by Dr. Phil that he caught them saying one thing and writing or sending in something totally different.  Then they began to stamper, stutter, and give many nonverbal gestures communicating their hatred and displeasure of the way he was responding and his verbal way of communicating when he discovered they were wrong. 

Giles & LePoire, 2006/ O'Hair, Weimann, Mullin, & Teven, 2015, pp.94

Saturday, March 5, 2016


 A person that I know that demonstrates competent communication within a particular context is my friend Stacey.  The reason I chose Stacey is because she is always able to efficiently communicate with everybody in a suitable manner, because she always shows the person respect.  She makes certain that the person that she is communicating with understands the message that she is trying to express.  Stacey is clear and to the point in which she makes clear her message and she uses a proper tone of voice. Stacey seems to know which communication to use for each situation which is something that I would like to learn from her.  
The reason I would like to learn how to be an efficient communicator like Stacey is because I can see the good that comes out of it. When you can effectively listen to what you have to say because they know that you are not just carrying on about anything but you really do know your stuff. In the early childhood field effective communication is the key when working to get grants and talking with parents and other people you work with.