Saturday, February 20, 2016

Welcoming Families From Around the World

Before I welcome the family from the country of El Salvador I plan to support their culture show them how wonderful it can be here in the United States and my classroom.  I would find out some information about El Salvador about how they lived there.

1. Encouraging a clear line of communication will free the families of any misunderstandings that may develop. In the classroom we are all connected and we need to make sure that we can discuss anything that needs to be addressed.

2. Providing significance learning experiences will support the curriculum or learning program. This will help the family to develop a way of learning and give them the chance of learning a new culture.  They must be able to know that what their children are learning is will help them to have a better life.

3. When we connect in a positive attitudes regarding the culture, we can see just how important each culture is and what the importance of it means.  Be appropriate toward it entirety will allow families, children, and educators to see things from diverse perspectives and how we can learn from one another

4. We should also make real-world connections that have direction and understanding towards certain goals.  When we see a connection, it stays with us on a consistent basis and may not be easily forgotten.
5. We could let them share some stories about their culture and how their life was from El Salvador. Many families may seem guarded about certain topics in their life, but being a good listener and not judging and with communication you build lasting friendships, trust, and bonds that would go far in the educational system.
The way I hope this would benefit the family and me is that we would learn from one another and that I could give the family any help they needed. I believe that we could learn from each other by sharing information and letting them know that I care for their child and to help them understand our ways.





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